Saturday, 6 December 2008

Hey everyone.
Been really busy this last month. Almost got my new studio finished now so really glad about that. I have had a few sittings there this last week and everyone commented on how good it looks. It isn't as big as I would have liked but it is big enough to let me do almost anything I want. If things work out the way I've planned though I should be moving to a bigger unit within the same building sometime mid next year. I have put a couple of images of the studio up for you all to see. My good friend Kim Treffinger from San Diego California sent me a message on Facebook asking when I was going to let every see the place so I made a point of taking a few shots just for her. She gets so cranky if you don't do as your told you know! Only joking Kim. Looking foreword to january and the SWPP convention. I think I have my seminar just about worked out now. I have tried to put as much info into it as I can and lots of humour too so as to keep everyone awake.
Anyway time to get some more work done.
Speak later.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Hi everyone.
Great news. I have just moved into my new studio.It is so much better than my previous place as I now have so much more space. I am looking into lots of different things that I now clients are just going to love.
I am now also going to be offering the chance for people to come along and join me by learning to become children's photographers themselves. I will be running four day courses training anyone who feels they have what it takes to set up in business and earn some great cash. Get in touch with me if you are interested.
I've just booked in my third mum to be for next month. I am really looking foreword to photographing them with their partners for some great parent and bump images.
I've been doing some more work on my forthcoming seminar in January. It is really starting to take shape. I have changed almost everything from the seminars I did last year as I feel the whole photography business has changed over the last few months.
Anyways, I will write more in a week or two.
Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Great news.

Hi everyone. Great news! I have just signed a contract with the SWPP (Society of Portrait & Wedding Photographers) as I've been asked to hold a two hour seminar on children's photography at their 2009 convention at the Novotel Hotel, Hamersmith, London in January. I am really amped about it. I will be talking alongside some of the best photographers and speakers in the world. What an honour.I have now just about recovered from my bike ride and would just like to thank everone who helped me and of course all those who sponsored me.
More later.

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

I made it. It was really hard going though. I started out from the Humber bridge just after mid day on Tuesday. The weather was just right for cycling as it was not too hot or windy. I had to try to block out any thoughts of how far I had to go as I had made it my goal to make my brother Kevin's house in Warwick my first stop over. The route took me through some really picturesque towns and villages and before I realised it I had traveled almost seventy miles.Great I though! but I still had a long way to go though and finally reached my destination between eleven and midnight totally shattered and with serious backside pain. I sat outside on Kevin and my sister in law Karen's patio and between us we managed to drink two bottles of wine in celebration. At six thirty next morning I got up showered, dressed and had some breakfast then it was time to check the bike over ready to get started again. I set off around seven and withing a couple of miles almost decided to give up. The pain when I sat on the saddle was almost unbearable but after about an hour it seemed to ease off. I had it mind to stop and find somewhere to stay when I reached Cheltenham. When I got there I stopped in at a Brewers fayre pub for a coke. With the help of a Tom Tom I realised I was only about thrty odd miles from the Severn Bridge so after a drink I set off again and at around four thirty I was at the Bridge Services looking at the awsome site that joins Bristol with Wales. I can't tell you how good it felt knowing that I was not going to have peddle one more metre. Oh joy!!!

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Sponsored Bike Ride!

Hi Everyone.
Well at last the day has arrived.
This morning I am setting off on my sponsored bike ride.
I have had one or two problems getting things going but today it all comes together.
My first stop over will be at my brothers in Warwick. It is going to be a long ride but I wasn't able to get even one of the B&B's I contacted to let me have a room even though I offered a free add on my blog and my websites. "Their Loss".
Anyway I will try to post up here when and where I can so keep coming back to see how I'm getting on.

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Sponsored Bike Ride

AAHHHHH!!!! Bad news. I have had to postpone my sponsored bike ride. Due to my photography business being really busy I am unable to afford the time out. So I have postponed the ride until next month when things have calmed down a bit. I am really disappointed but at least it will give me a little more time to get more sponsors. Ha Ha!
I'll keep you posted with the dates.
Speak soon.

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Hi Every one.
Great news! I now have a fixed date for the sponsored bike ride.
I will be setting off from the Hull side of the Humber Bridge at around 10am on Monday May 19th.
I hope to reach the Severn Bridge sometime mid afternoon on Thursday 22nd. I am training as hard as I can now as it is not that far away and I am not as young as I used to be. My fitness is not that bad but could do with being a little better.
I am also hoping to have my good friend Sean join me at various points along the way. He will be on four wheels in his car though with all the support stuff. He tells me he doesn't do all that exercise bit. We're still trying to find overnight accommodation at the moment but so far those I have approached have not been willing to help out. I will keep trying though.
I will be taking a few pictures along the way and hope to have some on the website and blog for you all to see so keep an eye out. Oh yes and sorry for the Spandex shorts when you see me.
Speak to you all soon.

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Hi everyone.
Sorry it has been a while since I last posted on my blog.
So much has been going on I've barely had time to sleep which is why I am writing this now.
I am over in Las Vegas at the WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International)photography convention learning more stuff so that we have even more to offer our clients.
It's now ten minutes to two in the morning but I'm not used to the time difference yet so sleep is not an option at the moment.
I know when I do get to sleep I will not be able to wake up even though I have to be up early as the seminars start again at around 8am each day.
Today has been quite busy running from one seminar to the next.
There are some really good speakers here this year all willing to share their wisdom and experience with us.
The weather out here is is getting warmer each day.
Not that it's cold in any way as it's too warm for coats and most people are only in shirt sleeves.
More soon as I am now going to settle down to an episode of CSI.


Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Well, we finally got the link sorted out so hopefully we can now keep you all updated with all that is going on at Little Devils Portraits.
If you have been looking at our website you will see we now have a Competition page.
We are offering anyone who books one of our On Location LifeStyle sessions, automatic entry into our prize draw for a Nintendo DS or a Complete On Location LifeStyle shoot with a free 20x16 framed print worth £350.
We're also breaking the rules a little and alowing the shoot to include the whole family rather than just the kids.
Pete is well under way now training for his sponsored bike ride.
For those of you who have not read or heard about this Pete Norton CEO of Little Devils Portraits and parent company Norton Photography is trying to raise money for When You Wish Upon A Star, a charity foundation that grants wishes for sick and terminally ill children. Each year Pete has tried to help out in some way or other and this year he has decided that he would ride his mountain bike from the Hull side of the Humber Bridge all the way down to the Severn Bridge near Bristol, a distance of over 200 miles.
Although at this point Pete hasn't been able to fix a firm date due to other engagements he is hoping to start pedling during the last week of May.
If you know anyone who would like to help Pete out he is looking more sponsors.
Cheques can be made out to: When you wish upon a star, and sent to.
Little Devils Portraits.
8 Davidson Drive
PE21 7LN.

Monday, 7 January 2008

Hi and welcome to Little devils Portraits blog

Hi to everyone and a very happy new year.
This is a new blog site and we will be updating you on everything that is happening just as soon as we can get a link to our website.
Many thanks.
Peter Norton CEO.