Sunday, 16 March 2008

Hi everyone.
Sorry it has been a while since I last posted on my blog.
So much has been going on I've barely had time to sleep which is why I am writing this now.
I am over in Las Vegas at the WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International)photography convention learning more stuff so that we have even more to offer our clients.
It's now ten minutes to two in the morning but I'm not used to the time difference yet so sleep is not an option at the moment.
I know when I do get to sleep I will not be able to wake up even though I have to be up early as the seminars start again at around 8am each day.
Today has been quite busy running from one seminar to the next.
There are some really good speakers here this year all willing to share their wisdom and experience with us.
The weather out here is is getting warmer each day.
Not that it's cold in any way as it's too warm for coats and most people are only in shirt sleeves.
More soon as I am now going to settle down to an episode of CSI.
