Tuesday, 29 July 2008

I made it. It was really hard going though. I started out from the Humber bridge just after mid day on Tuesday. The weather was just right for cycling as it was not too hot or windy. I had to try to block out any thoughts of how far I had to go as I had made it my goal to make my brother Kevin's house in Warwick my first stop over. The route took me through some really picturesque towns and villages and before I realised it I had traveled almost seventy miles.Great I though! but I still had a long way to go though and finally reached my destination between eleven and midnight totally shattered and with serious backside pain. I sat outside on Kevin and my sister in law Karen's patio and between us we managed to drink two bottles of wine in celebration. At six thirty next morning I got up showered, dressed and had some breakfast then it was time to check the bike over ready to get started again. I set off around seven and withing a couple of miles almost decided to give up. The pain when I sat on the saddle was almost unbearable but after about an hour it seemed to ease off. I had it mind to stop and find somewhere to stay when I reached Cheltenham. When I got there I stopped in at a Brewers fayre pub for a coke. With the help of a Tom Tom I realised I was only about thrty odd miles from the Severn Bridge so after a drink I set off again and at around four thirty I was at the Bridge Services looking at the awsome site that joins Bristol with Wales. I can't tell you how good it felt knowing that I was not going to have peddle one more metre. Oh joy!!!

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Sponsored Bike Ride!

Hi Everyone.
Well at last the day has arrived.
This morning I am setting off on my sponsored bike ride.
I have had one or two problems getting things going but today it all comes together.
My first stop over will be at my brothers in Warwick. It is going to be a long ride but I wasn't able to get even one of the B&B's I contacted to let me have a room even though I offered a free add on my blog and my websites. "Their Loss".
Anyway I will try to post up here when and where I can so keep coming back to see how I'm getting on.