Saturday, 8 November 2008

Hi everyone.
Great news. I have just moved into my new studio.It is so much better than my previous place as I now have so much more space. I am looking into lots of different things that I now clients are just going to love.
I am now also going to be offering the chance for people to come along and join me by learning to become children's photographers themselves. I will be running four day courses training anyone who feels they have what it takes to set up in business and earn some great cash. Get in touch with me if you are interested.
I've just booked in my third mum to be for next month. I am really looking foreword to photographing them with their partners for some great parent and bump images.
I've been doing some more work on my forthcoming seminar in January. It is really starting to take shape. I have changed almost everything from the seminars I did last year as I feel the whole photography business has changed over the last few months.
Anyways, I will write more in a week or two.
Thanks for reading.